sábado, diciembre 24, 2005

Feliz Navidad!

Asi es. Estamos a 24, dia de nochebuena, y puedo decir que esta será una navidad un poco rara. Al igual que el año pasado tendré la fortuna de pasarla con mi familia, pero esta vez no tengo la presión de pensar que los volveré a ver hasta el año entrante. Espero disfrutarla más.

Hoy hablé con Andrew. Ya extrañaba su voz y me dio mucho gusto escucharlo.

Well, today is the 24th, Christmas Eve, and I am ready to enjoy with my family. This time I don't have the pressure of knowing that I won't see them until the next year.

I have been missing a lot of things from Singapore, the nice traffic (or even better, the fact that i didn't need a car there), the cleanliness and many other things. It's sort of a shock. Getting used to the high standard of life in Singapore is quite easy. I love Mexico and I like how colorful it can be, but sometimes I can get desperate about somethings here...

I called Andrew to wish him a good christmas eve, i think that he was happy and I was also happy of listening his voice Oh, God, I miss all the things we used to do...